Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Dear Julia,

Of COURSE I remember you. I even remember where you sat in the room and can "see" you there!

You are doing incredibly exciting work. As we say in Hebrew, Kol HaKvod...honors to you. I so much appreciate hearing from you.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Peggy, you might not remember me. Joyce Faltus (Rapkin) from Corvallis. My daughters are Helen and Pam. I'm remarried 23 years, retired, and living in central Oregon. Helen has 3 children and they live in Holland, Michigan (sob, sob). I read about you and Steve in the Jewish Review and sent a copy to Pam, who is the Marketing Director for the Texas Organ Donor Organization ( to see if there's anything she can do for you asap. Thought about you and Steve often. My email is