Monday, January 01, 2007


Peg Elefant said...

Yes, I still check this blog; and, comments automatically forward to my personal email. Though we still have our home in Seattle, my husband and I spend most of our time in Seattle now, where he is undergoing cancer treatment at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center.
So, to MJO who left me a delightful comment, THANK YOU!! You have made my day. Who are you?

Anonymous said...

Hi Peg,

I'm glad you got my message. It's great to make contact!

Well, I imagine you don't remember me, but my name is Maria Julia Oliva - I go by Julia.

As I mentioned, I was in your class in 1991. I'm from Argentina but I lived in Corvallis between 1990 and 1992 as my dad was pursuing his PhD at OSU. In fact, when my dad finished his degree early and I was not yet done with school, you offered to host me during my senior year so I could stay! (In the end, I ended up taking extra subjects and graduating early).

In case it rings a bell, you can see my pic at (my profile at the organization I work for). I'm sure I haven't changed a bit since I was 16 ;)

Anyway, it's nice to hear from you. I hope your husband is well on his way to recovery and you are enjoying life in Seattle. I live in Geneva - it's a lovely city with a vibrant international community. If you are ever in the area, please let me know! Here is my email:

I look forward to staying in touch.



Carlos G said...

This may seem very cliched from the previous post but I did a google search for you since you were my teacher back in Highland View MS and CVHS. I'm Carlos and I am from Mexico.

I took your advanced english freshman class back in 96 even tho my english skills weren't the greatest. I have to tell you that you have been one of my greatest inspirations academically and in fact, I attribute a lot of my love for books from you.

I hope all is very well for you and it would be great to hear from you. Hugs and good vibes.
