Monday, January 01, 2007

English 105: online

I know you're here because you think you have to be...really, you don't. You can leave now.'re staying. To read an example of an introduction, read my English 104 online posting. Some of you already's the same, no changes.

So, I'm going to add some new information on this posting just for Josh, Nicole, Megan, and Katie, who took an online class from me last term and are taking English 105 online this term. What you four might not know, is that I was in Oregon for all of 12 days of Winter term. This is the beauty of teaching online! Starting October 12, I left for the long jaunt: first, to a family wedding in Chico. It was the first time in a year that both of our children were with us at the same time-- a real treat from a parent's point of view. From there I went straight to Manhattan where I occasionally do some volunteer work for HADASSAH, an organization I am absolutely passionate about, an amazing organization that sponsors programs in both Israel and the United States. After a week in NY, I returned for 2 days to Corvallis, then left again for 2 months in HAWAII, where our son lives and works. Home again for 2 days in early December, then off again to Seattle. I think I'll actually be in Oregon most of winter term--that will be unusual! All the traveling might sound glamorous to you, and I assure you that I do know how to have fun. However, lugging a computer to Hawaii is NOT fun! Also, living out of a suitcase gets old; I'm glad to be home, though I'm absolutely freezing. None of my friends feel sorry for me! "See" you online at WebCt!