Thursday, September 21, 2006

Peggy Freed-Elefant

Peggy Freed-Elefant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Peggy,

It's Lauren, Sharon's old childhood friend.
You don't need to approve this comment, but it was the only option I had to potentially get in touch with Sharon. I've looked for her online, and haven't been successful. I misplaced her number and email years ago, and would love to know how she's doing. I just tried searching sharon on google images and there you and Steve were :) I'm actually driving to Oregon tonight to visit my grandma and if Sharon still lives there I would love to get together with her. How are you and Steve doing? I'm married and have a 15 month old son named Jonah. My husband is in the Air Force and we are currently stationed in Montana, however we are moving in November, because Nick (my husband) is cross training. We'll be in Texas for 7-8 months and we don't know beyond that, which is exciting. My email is and I would give you my number, but won't just in case you approve this as a comment. Please email me I would really appreciate it. Tell Steve I say, "Hi". I hope you're both doing well, and I'd really like to keep in touch with all of you, if you don't mind :)

With all sincerity,
Lauren Falco